
By Kasasa Ali

Meet Mr Charles Ingorot, a 5th-year medical student, and inventor of the Cervical Cancer-Risk-Assessment App – “Scanvix.” He is also the author of the book “Masters Over Ourselves and Servants to Others.” The overachiever is also a former Member of Parliament, Faculty of Clinical Medicine and Dentistry and Minister of Education KIU-WC.

Q: Briefly tell us about your background?

A: I grew up in a distant village in Teso, Toroma-Katakwi district. I was brought up by my grandmother since my mother was still in school. I spent most of my childhood living there. I played village games with village aspirations (dreams of owning a bicycle, etc.). I went to village schools, from Atoroma Primary School to Katakwi primary school, then later joined Teso college Aloet for my O’level. 

Q: You have such big dreams, when did they start?

A: I started dreaming big at my A-level. I had never been a leader my entire life but became the Head Prefect. I worked on my reading and writing culture, and that provided a solid foundation for me. 

Q: So what was your first innovation?

A: My big story started at KIU-WC. The exposure, debating, innovation, leadership, charity and academic success, all got printed here.

Q: Okay, so what inspired you to start innovating?

A: I started innovating in February 2018. Although I had harboured the idea for about three months before then, the challenge or inspiration started with a sorrowful moment; the loss of my friend’s mother who succumbed to cervical cancer. Her mother was a great inspiration to us and actually like a mother to me. I had to ask myself on what can be done and hence the innovation.

Q: What are your persistent challenges and ideas on how to overcome them?

A: First it’s time. I have to balance my time for innovation with academics, debating, writing and public speaking. Second, it’s the financial constraints that have been part of my struggle having come from a humble background. Third, I believe there is exposure to programmes concerning innovation is inadequate. Lastly, there is a general lack of confidence in local innovation. The community would rather have an imported product than their own.

What is your best innovation?

My best innovation yet is Scanvix, a cervical cancer risk assessment App. Cervical cancer has tormented many families, attacking the gate in which all passed through. To me, “cervical cancer is the enemy of procreation”, and this innovation is here to resist it. 

Moving forward, what’s your message to the KIU community?

My message to the KIU community? First, I would like to thank Chairman Board of Trustees KIU, Al-haj Dr. Hassan Bassajabalaba, for his tremendous investment to improve the education in Africa and providing a nursery bed for professional lives to sprout.

To my fellow students, I think all that I have achieved would never have been if I hadn’t come to KIU-WC. KIU is a place of greatness, give it ten years from now, and its brand of education shall flourish beyond Africa. 

Students should remember that anything is possible. Your dreams can come true. God bless Uganda, God bless us all!

Charles Ingorot, a 5th-year medical student, and inventor of the Cervical Cancer-Risk-Assessment App

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