What Happens Next After Campus


By Immaculate Akello

As a young woman at the University, I have always been wondering about life after Campus considering the mere fact that we have over thirty Universities with thousands of people graduating every year, yet the job market can hardly accommodate half that number.

The status quo of Uganda on issues relating to unemployment is so devasting that the youth have lost trust in the government. People have come up to blame the education curriculum, lack of practical experience, nepotism and so much more. To find solutions to this predicament, I organized a public lecture with the theme “WHAT NEXT, AFTER UNIVERSITY?” under the Uganda Women Leaders Network (UWLN).

The event drew the attention of students of Kampala International University (KIU), International Health Sciences University, Makerere University, Nkumba University and Uganda Christian University among others. We were blessed with two guest speakers, Mr. Wabwire Emmanuel, the Chief Executive Officer Fagara Africa, and Mr. Kibuuka Ambrose, an Education Consultant and a member of the Board of Trustees KIU.

The event was not only a learning experience, but it also enabled me to think beyond the ordinary. What inspired me was the fact that as much as the majority of youth are unemployed, others youths have positioned themselves in a way that the jobs look for them instead of them looking for the jobs, they have learned to be multi-skilled professionals as well as build their social capital.

I also learned that administrators employ those who will add value to their organizations and that being in the information era, people will hire you for what you know. Your degree is not enough if you do not possess 21st-century skills.

I therefore urge students at the University to acquire the necessary skills that will enable them compete favorable within the job market. We must become multi-skilled and not limited in our minds; we must develop a character of transforming everything around us.

The secret to success lies in the 5D cycle: Discovery, Dream about your future, Design strategies and Develop action plans that will lead you to your Destiny.

Your success lies in your intellectual capital and your social capital, always remember dreamers are achievers and no dream is too big to achieve as long as you take action.

The writer is the Vice President Uganda Young Women Leaders Network and MP Representing People Living With Disabilities in the KIU Guild

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