KIU Bursary Scheme is the Answer


Kampala International University established a bursary scheme in 2014. This scheme was originated from the interest of helping and facilitating Ugandans to higher levels of education, especially the less financially privileged. Uganda has faced multiple challenges in the higher education sector for a while now and while there has been an applaudable success in the education sector, the gross enrolment ratio at the university is 5% of the university age group in Uganda which is the lowest in the region. The other challenge has been a lack of access to financial assistance from financial institutions. This is where KIU steps in.
Lack of tuition fees to meet educational cost at an institution of higher learning and higher cost of education will be history for the students who make the decision to join KIU. I am confident about this because through the KIU Bursary scheme, the university has both offered and will continue to offer bursaries in form of tuition fee discount of up to 50% for undergraduate programmes of 2-3 years and a discount of 40% of the programmes 4-5 years.
Kampala International University recognizes the need to increase access to higher education since many students fail to access higher education because of financial problems. We choose to share with the student their financial burden for tuition and other educational costs, to the tune of 50% or 60% payment of tuition and consolidated fees.
Thus far, from 2014 to date, KIU has issued a total of 16,349 bursaries and is still rolling out more students to the bursary scheme.

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